International bi-monthly journal of cell signaling, tissue protection, and translational research.
The underlying mechanisms involved in the protective effects of ischemic postconditioning
Rong Xie, Jinquan Li, Heng Zhao
Conditioning Medicine, 2018, 1(2):73-79
Robert L. Yellon, Derek M. Yellon
Conditioning Medicine, 2018, 1(2):80-84
Jeffrey M. Gidday
Conditioning Medicine, 2018, 1(2):85-97
Kathleen E. Salmeron, Katherine Poinsatte, Tony J. Parker, Ann M. Stowe, Gregory J Bix
Conditioning Medicine 2018, 1(2):98-104
Xuhui Bao, Ya Hua, Richard F. Keep, Guohua Xi
Conditioning Medicine, 2018, 1(2): 57-63
Mitochondrial dynamics and preconditioning in white matter
Chinthasagar Bastian, Stephen Politano, Jerica Day, Andrew McCray, Sylvain Brunet, Selva Baltan
Conditioning Medicine, 2018, 1(2):64-72
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